IIPM BEST MBA INSTITUTEThis leads to a terrible conclusion.

There are many business enterprises out there, which need to get in close relation with potential consumers of their services and products, and what starts as social computing, like P2P, derails very quickly into a business venture. For the time being, P2P has followed the path of all egalitarian and social movements, wherein, it has always been corrupted by the quest for profit. Can we create a P2P network that will not be turned into a sales channel at some point? It would probably take a community willing to actively participate in the management of the network, and finance it without external support, a little like building a wall around the city to repel the business barbarians. But then again, this would lead to the creation of an “elite” and probably end up being detoured from its original purpose. My personal conclusion: P2P should be consumed when it’s still fresh. Beware of the “sell by” date.
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